About Me
I love working out and you can always find me in the gym in my spare time. I have not always been into fitness and health in fact I use to hate it.
In 2011 I looked in the mirror and decided things needed to change, I did not like what I saw. So I joined a gym, my goal, lose 1 ½ stone. 3 years passed and I lost 3 Stone 9Ibs. I stayed this weight for a year and since gained lean muscle mass. I am now much more confident in myself and can smile when I look in the mirror.
From this I have found my passion and decided I wanted to help others achieve there fitness and health goals. I have learnt a lot from my experience and can offer first hand advice and help you reach your goals quicker, over come boundaries and weaknesses. This is what fuelled my decision to enrol on a Level 3 Personal Training course and become a personal trainer.
My mission now is to help others achieve their goals and beyond and to give others the that joy I have discovered.
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 2 Gym Instructor
First Aid